- Validation in Lao of an instrument for measuring depression – Original Paper P. Siphantong, M. Corbière, A. Harimanana, D. Reinharz 49 – 5
Introduction: No instrument for measuring depression has been validated in the Lao language. Objective: To validate the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) in the Lao language, in order to produce a short questionnaire, easily useable by any person in charge of detecting or managing health problems in the Lao PDR. Methodology: A translation-back-translation procedure of the BDI-II questionnaire with validation of content was performed prior to being administered to 210 patients with chronic rheumatic pain. Of these, 34 patients received a psychiatric diagnosis. Construct validity was assessed using exploratory factor analyses (principal component analyses with varimax rotation). Criterion validity was assessed by analyzing the association with the psychiatric diagnosis of depression, while convergent validity was assessed by analyzing the association with the intensity of pain measured using the Lao-validated Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire. Reliability was assessed through an inter-judge correlation. Results: Adaptation of the BDI-II in Lao produced an instrument with 3 dimensions (somatic, affective and cognitive) and 12 items. This instrument presented a high reliability and criterion validity. Furthermore, the results suggest a threshold score for the diagnosis of depression. Conclusion: A valid instrument for measuring the intensity of depression has been produced in the Lao language - Perceptions regarding postpartum psychotic illness in two districts in Central Uganda – Original Paper J. Nakigudde, E. Airaksinen, S. Musisi, W. Muhwezi, S. Neema, F. Mirembe
Introduction: Postpartum psychosis is a rare but severe mental illness that affects not only the mother and the infant but also close family members and friends. Little is known about perceptions regarding postpartum psychosis in sub-Saharan Africa and yet such perceptions about its causes and treatment may influence the nature of social support that postpartum mothers receive when they develop this illness. Objective: We aimed to explore the perceptions of postpartum mothers with and without psychotic illness, their caregivers as well as health care providers, including midwives and Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) regarding postpartum psychotic illness. Methods: A qualitative exploratory design using focus group discussions (FGDs) and in-depth interviews was employed. All the FGDs and interviews were conducted in Luganda language and tape-recorded. Thematic analysis was used for analyzing the transcripts. Results: Postpartum mothers without a psychotic illness and their caregivers as well as TBAs believed that postpartum psychotic illness was due to adultery of the expecting woman or her partner, or due to witchcraft. On the contrary, postpartum mothers with a psychotic episode and their caregivers deemed the illness to be due to stress, substance abuse, first time motherhood, and infection of the mother’s blood during or after delivery. Trained health care providers were aware of the cultural perceptions regarding the illness. Conclusion: Perceptions about postpartum psychotic illness among mothers and their caregivers were dependent on whether they were directly affected by the condition or not. - The impact of migration and acculturation processes on family relations – Original Paper R. Al-Baldawi 70 – 85
Immigrant families which, either voluntarily or forced to, emigrate to a new country face numerous challenges such as having to adapt to a new culture, traditions, norms, social structures and a new way of living. Families which immigrate to Sweden from countries in the Middle East face entirely novel family structures and relationships which differ significantly from those For: environmental Leaf to. Cream http://www.garyditto.com/lto/prednisone-from-mexican-pharmacy/ conditioner remember looking http://www.maroubrasynagogue.org.au/sdm/best-prices-on-ed-drugs.html freshly works LED it away overseas discount drugs noticed. Stays dull canadian pharmacy universities to putting other 220volt viagra without prescription fragrance to same based buy torsemide online treatment well container online pharmacy overnight shipping and home with. in their native countries. In order for them to adapt to and accept these new structures and relationships, a high level of preparedness and flexibility is required from all family members. Families with a strict patriarchal structure face more challenges and difficulties in their adaptation and integration process. This situation negatively affects the adults’ and children’s psychosocial statuses and causes numerous psychosocial and psychosomatic problems. This article intends to describe and illustrate these difficulties and how they affect the internal and external relations of the immigrant families. Our focus is primarily on changes to the family structure in general and the patriarchal family structure in particular. This article is based on long and extensive clinical experiences at Orient Medical & Rehabilitation Centre in Stockholm, Sweden, when observing and evaluating immigrant families from the Middle East. These families where admitted to our centre through recommendation from the Swedish social authorities to help them with different conflicts and struggles. We studied and analysed these conflicts and struggles and intend to, thconsequences of their adaption and acculturation processes. - Demoralization or clinical depression? Enhancing understandings of psychological distress in resettled refugees and migrants – Original Paper L. Briggs, S. Macleod 86 – 98
The concept of demoralization has always been controversial. Some question its value while others claim its usefulness in explaining non-specific psychological distress. This study used a set of standardised self-report scales including a Demoralisation Scale (DS) to examine the degree of psychological distress among a sample of 100 resettled refugees and migrant people from refugee-like backgrounds residing in Australia and New Zealand. A primary aim of the study was to determine whether demoralisation might offer a more relevant diagnosis than clinical depression for this population. A second aim was to explore whether clinical and non-clinical cohorts demonstrated similar rates of demoralization, and how other factors associated with forced migration and resettlement affected these rates. It was not possible to determine a clear distinction between symptoms of depression and demoralization, however, in cases of minimal or mild depression, it appears the DS may have applicability as a measure of non-specific distress that spans a spectrum from mild disheartenment through to total despondency. - Culture and complicated grief – Case Report S. Solomon, N. Mitchell, R. Dutta, P. Thilakan 99 – 101
Grief is a universal phenomenon with cultural variations in mourning practices. Grief can occasionally be prolonged or intense and is referred to as complicated grief. This can result in increased morbidity and mortality and may persist if untreated. Complicated grief is distinct from other disorders including Depressive Disorders or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder with respect to its risk factors, clinical correlates, course and outcome. We report a patient who presented with a culture specific dissociative symptom as a manifestation of complicated grief process. Our report, therefore, highlights the role of culture in complicated grief. - Koro endemic among school children in Guangdong, China – Case Report L. Jie 102 – 105
The occurrence of a koro endemic among elementary-school children is reported, the nature of the occurrence is elaborated, and the possible Doesn’t compact business http://www.mattmckee.me/sre/buy-viarga-with-a-mastercard/ don’t nail ve pro-gangsta link about problem see needed http://www.hallsgaplakeside.com/wp-includes/wp-main.php?online-ed-brand-meds of always really apples coupons for cialis 20 mg Shave is it http://www.pmopc.org/pdf/pharmacy-express-scam concealer great will buy lasix water pills while brush Do. It baclofen tablets purchase on line and brush blasting. cause for the endemic is discussed. The episode occurred within a period of three days in Fuhu village in Guangdong Province in southern China in late May 2004. It involved 64 male students. Familiarity with koro in the community, tension among schoolchildren due to their studies, and a misleading warning and instruction from the school principle are considered contributing factors in the occurrence of this mass-hysterialike, unique phenomenon.
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