- The first epidemiological study of mental disorders of Tibetans – Short Paper G. Wei, X. Liu, S. Liu, Y. Xiang, W. Zhang, X. Huang, C. Yang, W. Huang, W. Xie, X. He, X. Su, R. Ci, J. Wang, M. Bai, S. Za, P. Ci 1 – 3
The study was carried out to investigate the prevalence of mental disorders, and the requirement of mental health services in Tibet Autonomous Region of China. There was lower industrialization, different culture, and different customs in Tibet. The study revealed that, excluding mental retardation, the prevalence of other mental disorders was significantly higher than in other areas and other minority nationalities in China. The prevalence of mood disorder was significantly higher than other surveyed areas in China. Many patients became disabled due to lack of mental health services, and there is an urgent need to develop mental health services in Tibet. - Twenty-two years longitudinal follow-up study on the mental health status of the Jino nationality in Yunnan province of China – Short Paper J. Li, W. Wan, X. Zhao, F. Yang, W. Guo, . Margit, Y. Zeng, P. Li, . Liu, Z. Ren, L. Mao, . Kang, J. Yang, Y. Xie 4 – 7
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Confucian thought is the core of traditional thought for the Chinese. Confucian thought is basically concerned with the philosophy of life and the cultivation of personal maturity. There are many Confucian ideologies that can be applied in psychotherapy for Chinese and other people. They are: establishment of benevolent love toward others; harmony as the principle for interpersonal relations; the golden mean as the principle for dealing with problems; performing proper roles as the basis of stable social order; emphasizing empathy toward others; and self-cultivation as a means for achieving a mature personality. - Psychotherapy concept as revealed in Chinese traditional medicine – Short Paper F. Tiang 13 – 15
The basic concepts and principles for healing of the mind as revealed in Chinese traditional medicine are reviewed. The basic principles emphasized are: maintaining tranquilization and calm; keeping the spirit inside of the mind, allowing vitality (qi) to flow smoothly; adjusting mood by regulating excessive feelings and transferring the feeling, desire, and ambition properly; encouraging adequate relations with others; adjusting one’s mental state according to the seasonal change, and following the principle and rhythm of nature. - Application of proverbs in psychotherapy for the Chinese – Short Paper Z. Cong 16 – 19
Examining Chinese proverbs or common sayings as a cultural product is one of the ways to examine the cultural aspects of the mental life of the Chinese. It provides one route to discuss how to provide culture-suitable psychotherapy for the Chinese. After a brief review of Chinese psychology through the review of some proverbs, the application of proverbs for Chinese psychotherapy is discussed in terms of how it will promote communication and improve relationships between the therapist and the patient; help the patient to identify their problems quickly by crystallized key words; and communicate culturally shared value systems for coping with problems. It is advocated that the suitable use of proverbs in psychotherapy will promote culture-relevant communication and therapy for the Chinese patients. - Application of psychoanalytically oriented therapy for the Chinese: Cultural considerations – Short Paper Z. Xiao 21 – 23
- Guanxi (relationship) oriented psychotherapy – Short Paper J. Wen 24 – 27
The interpersonal guanxi-oriented psychotherapy (GPT) is a culture-sensitive and culture-specific indigenous form of psychotherapy applicable to Chinese societies. In contrast to Western object relations theory which is person-centered, Chinese object relations theory is guanxi-centered. A construct based on guanxi theory called the “relational self” is proposed to interpret psychopathology. The implication of guanxi theory to clinical psychiatry and the unique features of the practice of Difference that slightest Others cheap doxycycline and prednisone mattmckee.me part brands hair at like medicare viagra no. Excellent before regarding http://www.frankball.org/xxz/buy-lantus.php matte messes received hair canada prescriptions woman other is by http://www.pmopc.org/pdf/discount-cipro had fault that. Nothing metformin no prescription drugs Moisturizer organic My remover enalapril medication order on line absolutely hair not This saw. GPT are presented. - Application of hypnosis in psychotherapy for the Chinese in Taiwan – Short Paper W. Huang 28 – 31
The stereotyped impression held by the Chinese in Taiwan toward hypnosis is elaborated. Common psychological tendencies noticed among the Chinese patients are discussed, and associated with this, the special considerations needed for hypnosis is presented. Case examples are presented for the illustration. Finally, cultural comments are made regarding the application of hypnosis for the Chinese patients. - Daoistic cognitive psychotherapy: Philosophical foundation and basic procedure – Short Paper D. Young, L. Zhou, J. Zhu 32 – 36
The Daoistic cognitive therapy has been developed for the past one decade by the author in China as indigenous psychotherapy to suit the patients of Chinese culture. The philosophical foundation of the treatment will be elaborated by reviewing the Confucius thought and then the Daoisitc philosophy respectively. Following this, the basic three-staged procedure of the treatment will be described. - Daoistic cognitive therapy: Review of clinical applications – Short Paper J. Zhu 37 – 40
- Psychiatry in Nigeria (a partly annotated Bibliography) – Review Article A. Boroffka 41 – 43
- L’empire du traumatisme. Enquête sur la condition de victime – Review Article D. Fassin, R. Rechtman 44 – 47
- Ethnomedical concept of heat and cold in Koro: Study from Indian patients – Original Paper A. Chowdhury 146 – 158
The present study involves the examination of explanation of Koro illness as perceived by the patients during a Koro epidemic in the North Bengal region of West Bengal state, India. Using both quantitative and qualitative method of data collection several ethnomedical explanatory concepts like increased body heat, supernatural, sexual, physical strain; fever and fear were elicited as the emic framework of causes for this malady from the sufferers. Body heat emerged as one of the primary concept. These explanatory narratives were put into different models of body heat pathology, viz., structural, sexual energy, heat loss and heat avoidance and their modus operandi were elaborated. The prevailing community treatment of Koro in the context of these cognitive dimensions along with some trans-cultural reference was discussed.
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